Change Log:
version 1.0.2:
- Update to API 100024 "Wolfhunter".
- New library load structure.
version 1.0.1:
- API bump 100023 "Summerset".
version 1.0.0: initial
In the beginning, with an empty recipe list, it was ok not having a big empty black window. But if you know more and more recipes the list gets real small compared to the big material panel.
This addon rearranges the controls for more space for recipes. Adds a search box and a tooltip for more details.
Crafting recipes is used to crafted furnitures aswell.
version 1.0.2:
- Update to API 100024 "Wolfhunter".
- New library load structure.
version 1.0.1:
- API bump 100023 "Summerset".
version 1.0.0: initial
In the beginning, with an empty recipe list, it was ok not having a big empty black window. But if you know more and more recipes the list gets real small compared to the big material panel.
This addon rearranges the controls for more space for recipes. Adds a search box and a tooltip for more details.
Crafting recipes is used to crafted furnitures aswell.