Change Log:
version 6.9.3:
- Update to API 100032 "Stonethorn".
version 6.9.2. Upon request added a new function RegisterPlayerContextMenu to added menu items to the player context menu of the chat.
version 6.9.1: Forgotten to increase the version number for LibStub legacy support. Added a warning, if LibStub has a "newer" version, which should not be!
version 6.9.0:
- Support keyboard modifier keys for inventory context menu to create special menus using those keys.
version 6.8.2:
- Update to API 100030 "Harrowstorm".
version 6.8.1:
- Update to API 100029 "Dragonhold".
version 6.8.0:
- Fix layout of built-in checkbox button of menu top level entries
- Added tooltip support: Either callback function or text string.
version 6.7.1:
- Update to API 100028 "Scalebreaker".
version 6.7.0:
- API bump 100027 "Elsweyr".
- Accessible via LibCustomMenu.
- Use of LibStub is optional.
version 6.6.3:
- Update to API 100026 "Wrathstone".
version 6.6.2:
- Reverted back to depend on LibStub. It is too early for that.
version 6.6.1:
- Update to API 100025 "Murkmire".
- Work without LibStub as well.
version 6.6:
- Update to API 100024 "Wolfhunter".
- New library load structure.
version 6.5: Fix for PTS.
version 6.4: Fixed compatibility with other addons hooking the context-menu. Like Craft Bag Extended.
version 6.3:
- Improve compabitility with AGS.
version 6.2:
- Handle inventory context menu and key strip menu. Take 2.
version 6.1:
- Fixed a conflict with CraftBagExtended.
version 6:
- Handle inventory context menu and key strip menu.
version 5:
- Supporting checkboxes in submenus.
- Fixed Divider menu item.
version 4.3:
- Update for "Horns of the Reach".
version 4.2.0:
- Fixed rare timing issue closing menu while mouse is over sub-menu.
- APIVersion update to 100017.
version 4.1.1:
- APIVersion update to 100014.
version 4.1:
- Added ZO_InventorySlotActions:AddCustomSlotAction. (R...
This library is for addon developers. Download it, if an addon dependency tells you so.
This library is written to overcome one way to get the "Access a private function XYZ from insecure code". But beginning with version 2.0, it does additional provide a new feature: sub menus.
Beginning with version 3.0, it does additional provide a new feature: divider.
Controls, created from add-on code (as part of code path) are marked as "insecure/compromissed".
Functions, which have no problem with been called from "insecure" controls, are still working perfectly.
Like those of add-ons or Show On Map, Link in Chat or Get Help.
But "secured" functions like UseItem, InitiateDestroy, PickupInventoryItem raising the error message from above.
Once you hook AddMenuItem ALL controls created for the context-menu are "insecure".
Prior to ESO 2.0.13 if an add-on offers a full custom context-menu (no built-in menu entries) and this context-menu is shown first after (re-)load UI the first menu item controls are insecure. A crash of "Use" in the inventory afterwards was guaranteed.
Starting with ESO 2.0.13 ZOS preallocates 10 "secure" menu items. See here.
But this just reduces the chance of running into that problem, it does not fix it.
Currently the number of preallocated controls is 30. Running into this problem with AddMenuItem is real rare, but inventory action slots still don't like custom menu entries.
To avoid the error message, the controls of built-in menu items and add-on menu items must be strictly separated. That's what AddCustomMenuItem of this library does. It uses an own pool of controls, which look exactly the same. Sounds strange, but works.
version 6.9.3:
- Update to API 100032 "Stonethorn".
version 6.9.2. Upon request added a new function RegisterPlayerContextMenu to added menu items to the player context menu of the chat.
version 6.9.1: Forgotten to increase the version number for LibStub legacy support. Added a warning, if LibStub has a "newer" version, which should not be!
version 6.9.0:
- Support keyboard modifier keys for inventory context menu to create special menus using those keys.
version 6.8.2:
- Update to API 100030 "Harrowstorm".
version 6.8.1:
- Update to API 100029 "Dragonhold".
version 6.8.0:
- Fix layout of built-in checkbox button of menu top level entries
- Added tooltip support: Either callback function or text string.
version 6.7.1:
- Update to API 100028 "Scalebreaker".
version 6.7.0:
- API bump 100027 "Elsweyr".
- Accessible via LibCustomMenu.
- Use of LibStub is optional.
version 6.6.3:
- Update to API 100026 "Wrathstone".
version 6.6.2:
- Reverted back to depend on LibStub. It is too early for that.
version 6.6.1:
- Update to API 100025 "Murkmire".
- Work without LibStub as well.
version 6.6:
- Update to API 100024 "Wolfhunter".
- New library load structure.
version 6.5: Fix for PTS.
version 6.4: Fixed compatibility with other addons hooking the context-menu. Like Craft Bag Extended.
version 6.3:
- Improve compabitility with AGS.
version 6.2:
- Handle inventory context menu and key strip menu. Take 2.
version 6.1:
- Fixed a conflict with CraftBagExtended.
version 6:
- Handle inventory context menu and key strip menu.
version 5:
- Supporting checkboxes in submenus.
- Fixed Divider menu item.
version 4.3:
- Update for "Horns of the Reach".
version 4.2.0:
- Fixed rare timing issue closing menu while mouse is over sub-menu.
- APIVersion update to 100017.
version 4.1.1:
- APIVersion update to 100014.
version 4.1:
- Added ZO_InventorySlotActions:AddCustomSlotAction. (R...
This library is for addon developers. Download it, if an addon dependency tells you so.
This library is written to overcome one way to get the "Access a private function XYZ from insecure code". But beginning with version 2.0, it does additional provide a new feature: sub menus.
Beginning with version 3.0, it does additional provide a new feature: divider.
Controls, created from add-on code (as part of code path) are marked as "insecure/compromissed".
Functions, which have no problem with been called from "insecure" controls, are still working perfectly.
Like those of add-ons or Show On Map, Link in Chat or Get Help.
But "secured" functions like UseItem, InitiateDestroy, PickupInventoryItem raising the error message from above.
Once you hook AddMenuItem ALL controls created for the context-menu are "insecure".
Prior to ESO 2.0.13 if an add-on offers a full custom context-menu (no built-in menu entries) and this context-menu is shown first after (re-)load UI the first menu item controls are insecure. A crash of "Use" in the inventory afterwards was guaranteed.
Starting with ESO 2.0.13 ZOS preallocates 10 "secure" menu items. See here.
But this just reduces the chance of running into that problem, it does not fix it.
Currently the number of preallocated controls is 30. Running into this problem with AddMenuItem is real rare, but inventory action slots still don't like custom menu entries.
To avoid the error message, the controls of built-in menu items and add-on menu items must be strictly separated. That's what AddCustomMenuItem of this library does. It uses an own pool of controls, which look exactly the same. Sounds strange, but works.