Channel: ESOUI - AddOns by votan
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Votan's Darker Nights (1.0.2)

Change Log:
version 1.0.2:
- Localization (en,fr,de yet)

version 1.0.1:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.0.0:
- API bump for Morrowind.

version 0.8.0:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.
- Reset gamma on quitting directly, too.

version 0.7.0:
- initial

It makes in-game nights much darker. The effect is adjustable for new moon and full moon nights.
There is a slash command /togglenight and a key-bind to include or exclude a zone from been affected.

The exception list is limited. There are a lot tunnels and houses, which should be excluded, but can't because they have not an own (sub-)zone.
You may have to adjust a lot zones entering the first time. But it is account-wide.
Dungeons are excluded by default, but can be included again.

I recommend Deshaan at night :)

The gamma should reset to normal on logout and exit. But if you crash, the logon screen may be darken aswell.

Votan's Keybinder (1.2.3)

Change Log:
version 1.2.3:
- Just to be sure to not causing key-binding errors, the key-bind action layer of the "Controls" dialog is removed a bit earlier as ZOS does.

version 1.2.2:
- Pre-Game the addon had "dependency" problems
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.2.1:
- Fixed an issue in the text-search filter showing key-bindings which should be hidden, because they have no caption.
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.

version 1.2.0:
- text search filter.

version 1.1.8:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.

(Keybinder does currently not work on PTS due to ZOS limitation. But Chip promised this will not go live)

version 1.1.7:
- Speed optimizations.
- Japanese translation. Thanks to @BowmoreLover.

version 1.1.6:
- Categories and actions of addon-keybindings get sorted alphabetically.

version 1.1.5:
- ESO 2.6 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.1.4:
- Mark unbound standard key-binds on select-all.
- Embedded libAddonKeybinds to split standard and addon key binds.

version 1.1.3:
- API bump for ESO 2.5: "Shadows of the Hist" ready

version 1.1.2a:
- uploaded a corrected zip

version 1.1.2:
- Hopefully fixed Lua error in combination with libAddonKeyBinds reported by @Beartram
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support

version 1.1.1:
- Remember actions without any keybind, so it can be used to unbind for all characters.

version 1.1.0:
- ESO 2.3 API 100014
- Added toggle button to de-/select all valid keybindings

version 1.0.0:
- ESO 2.2 (Orsinium): 4 key-binds per action

version 0.7.0:
- As requested by merlight, the addon is more hook-friendly to other addons.
- Fixed issue with unlocalizable key-bindings (not in list) set by Binder: Ignored as build-in code does.

version 0.6.0:
- discovered and fixed an issue with modifiers: Some keys always had a modifier*. *If using Emacs.

version 0.5.0:
- initial version

Adds checkboxes to keybind dialog for user account wide shared keybindings.

In addition, since v1.2.0, a text search filter looking for:

Action name
Localized action name

Technically ZOS is right, if they say keybindings are a per-character setting, because they can differ. But in consideration of the human factor most keybindings will not differ. I (and this addon) assume everybody has a prefered keyboard-layout, which is used across all characters. Only a few keys will be re-used for different, character specific addons. If you agree, this addon may something for you.

It is tested with and supports Emacs to use key-modifiers like ALT, STRG etc.
It is tested and works with libAddonKeybinds, which splits the list of keybindings into standard and addon.

First Load!
Upon first load all standard keybindings are marked as shared. Please verify it's how you want it.
Once you log to other character these keybindings will be taken over!

New Characters
Shared keybindings are used for new characters, too.

Please let me know. :)

To Do
- None

Votan's Search Box (1.3.3)

Change Log:
version 1.3.3:
- Multiple search. Split by '+'.

version 1.3.2:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.3.1:
- Update to libCommonInventoryFilters rev 1.6.
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.

version 1.3.0:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.
- Search includes set names.

version 1.2.2:
- ESO 2.6 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.2.1:
- ESO 2.5 (Shadows of the Hist) ready.
- Update to LibHarvensAddonSettings 7.1: Fixing name plate loosing settings.

version 1.2.0:
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support

version 1.1.3:
- ESO 2.3 (100014)
* Still working in ESO 2.2 (Orsinium) as "out-dated", which is in fact "pre-dated" or use Fast API.

version 1.1.2:
- Include guild bank search box fixes. Thanks to Circonian.

version 1.1.1:
- Just API update to 100013

version 1.1.0:
- Update APIversion 100012
- Update to HAS r7
- Update to LibStub r4

version 1.0.4:
- Searchbox position was not good in mail window

version 1.0.3:
- Add a close button: Clear filter with single click instead of click to focus and press ESC.

version 1.0.2:
- LHAS r6
- fixed typo in folder name
- new style: edit box with text has a border
- update API version 100011

version 1.0.1: (broken!)
- new style: edit box with text has a border
- update API version 100011

version 1.0.0
- Initial version.

This add-on enables the build-in search box of the inventory and decorates it, so that it fits the ESO style much better.
This addon can be used stand-alone or with Advanced Filter or FilterIt.
And if you think you don't need a search box using Advanced Filter/FilterIt, you can hide it again with this addon.

The text box does not just filter for the name:

Name (ZOS)
Equip type: e.g. Hand, Head, ... (ZOS)
Style type: e.g. Argonian, Breton, ... (ZOS)
Set name: e.g. "Shadow Dancer's Raiment" in items of the Shadow Dancer (this add-on since 1.3.0)

Guild bank search box fixes included now.

If you feel dissatisfied with the second main menu entry for "Addons", take a look at Harven's AS to LAM adapter.

Dieses Addon blendet die im Inventar standardmig ausgeblendete Suchmaske ein und passt das Einscheinungsbild an, damit es besser zum ESO Stil passt.
Das Addon kann allein oder mit Advanced Filter oder FilterIt benutzt werden.
Und falls ihr der Meinung seit, dass ihr mit Advanced Filter/FilterIt auch ohne Suchmaske auskommt, kann die Suchmaske mit diesem Addon auch wieder ausgeblendet werden.

Die Textbox filtert nicht nur nach Namen:

Name (ZOS)
Ausrstungstyp: z.B. Hand, Kopf, ... (ZOS)
Stil: z.B. Argonier, Bretonen, ... (ZOS)
Set Name: z.B. "Kleidung des Schattentnzers" in Gegenstnden des Schattentnzers (Dieses Addon ab 1.3.0)

Wenn Du nicht mit dem zweiten Hauptmeneintrag fr "Erweiterungen" leben kannst, schau Dir mal [URL="http://www.esoui.com/downl...

Votan's Achievements Overview (1.3.5)

Change Log:
version 1.3.5:
- Added context menu for summary with "Link to chat".

version 1.3.4:
- Show original summary as tooltip for category headers. Also adding a sub-category summary.
- Fixed in-game bug of "General" sub-category progress-bar showing summary points.
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.3.3:
- API bump for Morrowind.

version 1.3.2:
- fixed missing formatting in tooltip.

version 1.3.1:
- API bump for Homestead
- Additional faulty API data check reported by manavortex.

version 1.3.0:
- Cleanup list for completed achievements.
- ESO 2.6 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.2.6:
- API bump 100016: ESO 2.5 (Shadow of the Hist) ready.

version 1.2.5:
- ESO 2.4 API 100015

version 1.2.4:
- ESO 2.3 API 100014

version 1.2.3:
- Show progress tooltip at collapsed achievements, too. (Requested by Palkum)

version 1.2.2:
- Updated to APIVersion 100013

version 1.2.1:
- Updated to APIVersion 100012
- Updated to LibStub r4

version 1.2.0:
- Corrected date string formatting (time zone shift problem)

version 1.1.0: Fixed double-click error

version 1.0.0:
- Initial version.

Yet another achievement tracker? Hopefully not.
There are real cool addons tracking favored and well-known achievements already.
The goal of this addon is a bit different.

The idea of this addon is:
If you go to the build-in achievements window, you are interested in achievements related to things you did recently.
For example:

After collecting stuff the whole afternoon, you what to know how much more to collect to get the collector achievement
After smacking some daedra at a dolmen, you what to know how much more to get the next dark anchor achievement
After finding a rare throphy you ask yourself "Did that count for something?"

Normally you go to the build-in achievements window and give up after one minute of expanding and scrolling up and down.

This addon replaces the achievement overview with a list of recent updated achievements.
It shows you the name of the achievement, update date and the origin category.
If you hover one, you get detailed information about the progress.
That's all you wanted in that moment.

And if double-clicking it, the right category is opened for you. There you get more information may introduced by other addons.

After first time loading for a character, the list is filled with started achievements, not necessarily recent. But if you go and play, the list gets accurate quickly.

Noch so ein Achievement Tracker? Ich hoffe nicht.
Es gibt bereits coole Addons, die bevorzugte und bekannte Errungenschaften tracken.
Der Ansatz von diesem Addon ist etwas anders.

Die Idee dahinter ist folgende:
Wenn man zur Seite der Errungenschaften geht, ist man an Errungenschaften interessiert, die zu Dingen gehren, die man krzlich getan hat.
Zum Beispiel:

Nachdem man den ganzen Nachmittag mit sammeln verbracht hat, will man wissen wie viel man noch sammeln muss, bis zur Me...

ESO Addon Validation - fighting global namespace pollution (1.2.9)

Change Log:
version 1.2.9:
- probe APIVersion 100020 and 100021

version 1.2.8:
- probe APIVersion 100019 and 100020 (for next time)

version 1.2.7:
- probe APIVersion 100017 and 100018

version 1.2.6:
- probe APIVersion 100016 and 100017

version 1.2.5:
- Allow Lua compiler without version in its name.
- Added optional parameter -Compiler to specify the path to the Lua compiler, if in another location.

version 1.2.4:
- probe APIVersion 100015 and 100016
- added language jp

version 1.2.3:
- probe APIVersion 100014 and 100015

version 1.2.2:
- Probing APIVersion 100013 and 100014
- Language add: zh

version 1.2.1:
- Probing APIVersion 100013

version 1.2.0:
- Added language br
- Parse XML: Generate different code for GUI-XML and Key-Binding-XML. Add line numbers to generated source output.

- renamed the title for better description of what this script actually does.

version 1.1.0:
- Support substitute $(APIVersion)

version 1.0.0
- initial version

This is NOT an addon
This is for addon developers
This is a powershell script to check addon source for syntax errors and search for leaking global symbols. (Including a simple XML scan)
All credits for the idea go to @merlight. This is a portation* to Windows. *Perl is not mine and I don't want to install ActivePerl "just for that".

The main objective is finding variables going to global namespace unintended. This can cause strange side-effects and crashes. Hard to find, because one has to track down who conflicts with whom, first.
Global variables are slower than local variables. Finding unintended global variables may mean finding unexpected slow-downs, too. And finally: It happens really easy, even if you know about it and take care.

A secondary objective is a validation of the manifest file, the XML- and Lua files including localization files.
The script supports the subtitutes $(language) and $(APIVersion) and shows you wrong paths, normally silently ignored by ESO: You may think you have included a library and checked it more than once, until you realized that you have typed "lib" and not "libs".
By probing languages you normally do not select, the compiler will find missing quotes or commas for you.
All happend in addons already.

Before you can use the powershell script you need to download a Lua compiler for Windows. e.g. from here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/luabinaries/files/5.1.5/Tools%20Executables/
Select your CPU architecture (most likely x64 = lua-5.1.5_Win64_bin.zip). The CPU architecture of the ESO client does not matter, we want to check the addon source only.

Copy th...

Votan's Search Box (1.3.4)

Change Log:
version 1.3.4:
- Clockwork City
- Compatibility with "Craft Bag Extended".

version 1.3.3:
- Multiple search. Split by '+'.

version 1.3.2:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.3.1:
- Update to libCommonInventoryFilters rev 1.6.
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.

version 1.3.0:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.
- Search includes set names.

version 1.2.2:
- ESO 2.6 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.2.1:
- ESO 2.5 (Shadows of the Hist) ready.
- Update to LibHarvensAddonSettings 7.1: Fixing name plate loosing settings.

version 1.2.0:
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support

version 1.1.3:
- ESO 2.3 (100014)
* Still working in ESO 2.2 (Orsinium) as "out-dated", which is in fact "pre-dated" or use Fast API.

version 1.1.2:
- Include guild bank search box fixes. Thanks to Circonian.

version 1.1.1:
- Just API update to 100013

version 1.1.0:
- Update APIversion 100012
- Update to HAS r7
- Update to LibStub r4

version 1.0.4:
- Searchbox position was not good in mail window

version 1.0.3:
- Add a close button: Clear filter with single click instead of click to focus and press ESC.

version 1.0.2:
- LHAS r6
- fixed typo in folder name
- new style: edit box with text has a border
- update API version 100011

version 1.0.1: (broken!)
- new style: edit box with text has a border
- update API version 100011

version 1.0.0
- Initial version.

This add-on enables the build-in search box of the inventory and decorates it, so that it fits the ESO style much better.
This addon can be used stand-alone or with Advanced Filter or FilterIt.
And if you think you don't need a search box using Advanced Filter/FilterIt, you can hide it again with this addon.

The text box does not just filter for the name:

Name (ZOS)
Equip type: e.g. Hand, Head, ... (ZOS)
Style type: e.g. Argonian, Breton, ... (ZOS)
Set name: e.g. "Shadow Dancer's Raiment" in items of the Shadow Dancer (this add-on since 1.3.0)

Guild bank search box fixes included now.

If you feel dissatisfied with the second main menu entry for "Addons", take a look at Harven's AS to LAM adapter.

Dieses Addon blendet die im Inventar standardmig ausgeblendete Suchmaske ein und passt das Einscheinungsbild an, damit es besser zum ESO Stil passt.
Das Addon kann allein oder mit Advanced Filter oder FilterIt benutzt werden.
Und falls ihr der Meinung seit, dass ihr mit Advanced Filter/FilterIt auch ohne Suchmaske auskommt, kann die Suchmaske mit diesem Addon auch wieder ausgeblendet werden.

Die Textbox filtert nicht nur nach Namen:

Name (ZOS)
Ausrstungstyp: z.B. Hand, Kopf, ... (ZOS)
Stil: z.B. Argonier, Bretonen, ... (ZOS)
Set Name: z.B. "Kleidung des Schattentnzers" in Gegenstnden des Schattentnzers (Dieses Addon ab 1.3.0)

Wenn Du nicht mit dem zweiten Hauptmeneintrag fr "Erweiterungen" leben kannst, schau Dir mal [URL="http://www.esoui.com/downl...

Votan's Achievements Overview (1.3.6)

Change Log:
version 1.3.6:
- API bump for Clockwork City.
- Fixed opening achievement did not work right anymore.

version 1.3.5:
- Added context menu for summary with "Link to chat".

version 1.3.4:
- Show original summary as tooltip for category headers. Also adding a sub-category summary.
- Fixed in-game bug of "General" sub-category progress-bar showing summary points.
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.3.3:
- API bump for Morrowind.

version 1.3.2:
- fixed missing formatting in tooltip.

version 1.3.1:
- API bump for Homestead
- Additional faulty API data check reported by manavortex.

version 1.3.0:
- Cleanup list for completed achievements.
- ESO 2.6 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.2.6:
- API bump 100016: ESO 2.5 (Shadow of the Hist) ready.

version 1.2.5:
- ESO 2.4 API 100015

version 1.2.4:
- ESO 2.3 API 100014

version 1.2.3:
- Show progress tooltip at collapsed achievements, too. (Requested by Palkum)

version 1.2.2:
- Updated to APIVersion 100013

version 1.2.1:
- Updated to APIVersion 100012
- Updated to LibStub r4

version 1.2.0:
- Corrected date string formatting (time zone shift problem)

version 1.1.0: Fixed double-click error

version 1.0.0:
- Initial version.

Yet another achievement tracker? Hopefully not.
There are real cool addons tracking favored and well-known achievements already.
The goal of this addon is a bit different.

The idea of this addon is:
If you go to the build-in achievements window, you are interested in achievements related to things you did recently.
For example:

After collecting stuff the whole afternoon, you what to know how much more to collect to get the collector achievement
After smacking some daedra at a dolmen, you what to know how much more to get the next dark anchor achievement
After finding a rare throphy you ask yourself "Did that count for something?"

Normally you go to the build-in achievements window and give up after one minute of expanding and scrolling up and down.

This addon replaces the achievement overview with a list of recent updated achievements.
It shows you the name of the achievement, update date and the origin category.
If you hover one, you get detailed information about the progress.
That's all you wanted in that moment.

And if double-clicking it, the right category is opened for you. There you get more information may introduced by other addons.

After first time loading for a character, the list is filled with started achievements, not necessarily recent. But if you go and play, the list gets accurate quickly.

Noch so ein Achievement Tracker? Ich hoffe nicht.
Es gibt bereits coole Addons, die bevorzugte und bekannte Errungenschaften tracken.
Der Ansatz von diesem Addon ist etwas anders.

Die Idee dahinter ist folgende:
Wenn man zur Seite der Errungenschaften geht, ist man an Errungenschaften interessiert, die zu Dingen gehren, die man krzlich getan hat.
Zum Beispiel:

Nachdem man den ganzen Nachmittag mit sammeln verbracht hat, will man wissen wie viel man noch sammeln muss, bis zur Me...

Votan's Fisherman (1.9.20)

Change Log:
version 1.9.20:
- Support "Hissmir Fish-eye Rye" for water type.
- API bump Clockwork City.
- Update to LAM rev. 25: Clockwork City.
- Update to LibGPS rev 13: Clockwork City.
- Adjusted the focus range for "Bleakrock Isle" a little bit.

version 1.9.19:
- Update to LibCustomMenu rev.5: Fixes error clicking on a map pin.
- Update to LAM2 rev 24.

version 1.9.18:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.9.17:
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.

version 1.9.16:
- Showing map pins is per character, now.
- API bump for Morrowind.

version 1.9.15:
- Update to LibGPS rev 11.
- Gather data for statistics.
- Show statistics with /vf (zone|char)
* first version

version 1.9.14:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.
- Update to LibGPS rev 10.

version 1.9.13:
- Fixed tooltip issue in gamepad mode. Thanks to @Daeymon.
- Changed detection range in Shadowfen.

version 1.9.12:
- Update to LAM2 rev 23.
- Update to LibCustomMenu rev 4.2.
- Update russian translation to real UTF-8 charset.

version 1.9.11:
- Fixed gamepad mode pin tooltips

version 1.9.10
- ESO 2.6 (One Tamriel) ready
- Update to LibGPS rev 9
- Update to LAM2 rev 22

version 1.9.9:
- ESO 2.5 (Shadow of the Hist) ready
- Super simplified in-reel bait counter. Thanks to @estera!
- Update to LibGPS2 rev 8
- Update to LAM2 rev 21
- Auto select bait. Default: off

version 1.9.8:
- Update to LibGPS 7.1
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support

version 1.9.7a:
- added missing separator.dds for LAM2. (Sorry)

version 1.9.7:
- Fixed deleting pin via contextmenu.
- Update to LAM2 r20

version 1.9.6:
- Update to LibMapPing r4 to fix waypoint bug.

version 1.9.5:
- Map pin context menu. Requested by @uladz.
- Update to LibGPS r7.

version 1.9.4:
- ESO 2.3 API version bump
- Fixed pins not shown, due to new LibGPS. Reported by @uladz.

- Changed manifest file for Fast API support, only

version 1.9.3:
- LibGPS2 r6...

This addon stores the type of a fishing hole once a specific fish or bait was catched. The type and the fishes and baits already catched there, are shown in the interaction menu while focusing the fishing hole.
Pins with a corresponding color are added to the map.


Inspired by the feature request from cnschu in Bait Informer, yet not implemented there: Showing bait usage in quickmenu

Inspired by Luminary - FishMe - Know your Bait & Fish: "Reel In" Notification.

The idea from awesomebilly is genius. I rewrote it from scratch. Hopefully more robust against false alerts. Always remember: As it is an indirect indication only, it can be fouled.
In order to avoid false alerts, the notification is suspended, if your are in the menus.

Known Limitations
There is no API to get the type or position of the fishing hole. It is an estimation. There are locations, where the fishing holes were so close to each other, that even the game itself does not know which to use, depending on your position and heading.

Dieses Addon speichert den Typ eines Fischgrunds sobald ein entsprechender Fisch oder Kder gefangen wurde. Im Interaktionsmen wird der Typ und die dort bereits gefangenen Fische und Kder angezeigt whrend der Fischgrund fokusiert ist.
Marker mit der entsprechenden Farbe werden auf der Karte angezeigt.


Inspiriert durch den in Bait Informer nicht implementierten Feature Request von cnschu: Der Verwendungszweck der Kder wird im Quickmen angezeigt.

Inspiriert durch Luminary - FishMe - Know your Bait & Fish: "Einholen" Benachrichtigung.

Die Idee von [...

Votan's Darker Nights (1.0.3)

Change Log:
version 1.0.3:
- New option to adjust the daylight/night transition curve.
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.0.2:
- Localization (en,fr,de yet)

version 1.0.1:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.0.0:
- API bump for Morrowind.

version 0.8.0:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.
- Reset gamma on quitting directly, too.

version 0.7.0:
- initial

It makes in-game nights much darker. The effect is adjustable for new moon and full moon nights.
There is a slash command /togglenight and a key-bind to include or exclude a zone from been affected.

The exception list is limited. There are a lot tunnels and houses, which should be excluded, but can't because they have not an own (sub-)zone.
You may have to adjust a lot zones entering the first time. But it is account-wide.
Dungeons are excluded by default, but can be included again.

I recommend Deshaan at night :)

The gamma should reset to normal on logout and exit. But if you crash, the logon screen may be darken aswell.

LibWorldMapInfoTab (1.0.3)

Change Log:
version 1.0.3:
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.0.2:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.0.1:
- API bump for Morrowind.

version 1.0.0: initial

This library adjusts the size and padding of the World Map Info Tab on the right side of the screen.

With the "Homestead" update another build-in tab is added. Space is getting rare.
This library is working stand-alone, but every addon author adding a new tab to the World Map Info should include the library. Even if space is enough, if your addon is the only one for you. You never know.

It works well up to 12 tabs (6 addons). Beyond that symbols getting a bit small, but should work up to 19 tabs. Once one ever have that much tabs I start thinking about a more complex modification.

Here you can see from default to Atlas, HarvestMap, WaypointIt, sidWarTools:

Votan's Rune Tooltips (1.3.7)

Change Log:
version 1.3.7:
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.3.6:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.3.5:
- API bump for Morrowind.

VotansRuneTooltips v1.3.4:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.

- Changed the title to match the title within the addon

version 1.3.3:
- Fixed tooltip issue in gamepad mode. Thanks to @Daeymon.

version 1.3.2:
- ESO 2.6 (One Tamriel) ready

version 1.3.1:
- ESO 2.5 (Shadows of the Hist) ready.
- Removed old API 100014 code.
- Update to LibHarvensAddonSettings 7.1: Fixing name plate loosing settings.

version 1.3.0:
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support

version 1.2.5:
- settings to make info for unknown runes optional. Requested by @uladz.

version 1.2.4:
- ESO 2.3 API 100014

version 1.2.3:
- Gamepad mode support.
* I have tested it, but I do not play in gamepad mode.

version 1.2.2:
- Just API update to 100013

version 1.2.1:
- Corrected french translation: Thanks to Wandamey.

version 1.2.0:
- Tooltip code cleanup
- Added tooltip info to trade window
- Better text for single level potency runes.
- Support for essence rune Hakeijo

version 1.1.1:
- Updated APIVersion to 100012

version 1.1.0:
- Resulting glyphs for essence runestones
- french support (google trans)

version 1.0.2:
- update API version 100011

version 1.0.1
- Fixed incomplete information: For essence runestones, the type is not the same for all using positive or negative power
Shame on me :(

version 1.0.0
- initial version

This add-on adds the following information to the tool-tips of runestones:

For potency runes the level of the resulting glyph
For essence runes the type of the resulting glyph, respectively the types of the positive and negative power

This add-on can be used as an addition to Quick Enchanter or an alternative for non-enchanters.
You can choose whether Quick Enchanter or Rune Info shows the level of glyphs by enabling or disabling the setting in Quick Enchanter.

If you feel dissatisfied with the second main menu entry for "Addons", take a look at Harven's AS to LAM adapter.

Dieses Add-On zeigt in den Tooltips fr Runen folgende Information an:

Fr Machtrunen die Stufe der entsprechenden Glyphe
Fr Essenzrunen den Typ der entsprechenden Glyphe, bzw. die Typen der positiven und negativen Macht.

Das Addon kann entweder als Ergnzung zu Quick Enchanter oder als Alternative fr Nicht-Verzauberer verwendet werden.
Ihr knnt whlen, ob Quick Enchanter oder Rune Info die Stufe der Glyphe anzeigen soll, indem ihr die entsprechende Einstellung bei Quick Enchanter ein- bzw. ausschaltet.

Wenn Du nicht mit dem zweiten Hauptmeneintrag fr "Erweiterungen" leben kannst, schau Dir mal Harven's AS to LAM adapter

To Do
- None

Votan's Fish Fillet (1.3.7)

Change Log:
version 1.3.7:
- Update to LAM rev 25.
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.3.6:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.3.5:
- API bump for Morrowind.

version 1.3.4:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.

version 1.3.3:
- Fixed tooltip issue in gamepad mode. Thanks to @Daeymon.
- Update to LAM2 rev 23
- Update to LibCustomMenu rev 4.2.

version 1.3.2:
- Update to LAM2 rev 22
- Better key-binding names.
- API 100017 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.3.1:
- Update to LAM2 rev21.
- ESO 2.5 (Shadows of the Hist) ready.
- Removed old API 100014 code.

version 1.3.0:
- Update to LAM2 r20
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support

version 1.2.5:
- ESO 2.3 (Thieves Guild)
* Still working in ESO 2.2 (Orsinium) as "out-dated", which is in fact "pre-dated" or use Fast API.
- Update to LAM2 r19

version 1.2.4:
- Update to LibCustomMenu r4.1.

version 1.2.3:
- Gamepad mode support.
* For "Fillet All Stacks" you have to select a fish stack and go the "Actions". Or enable "Fillet All Stacks" as default.

version 1.2.2:
- API update to 100013

version 1.2.1:
- Fixed "Fillet All Stacks" was always active.

version 1.2.0:
- Updated to APIVersion 100012
- Aborting corrected for update 7: One fish faster.
- New slash command (/roestats) to show stats without having fishes left. Suggested by Wandamey.
* As a side-effect stats shown at perfect roe, too.
- New options: Fillet All Stacks (Thanks to silvereye)

version 1.1.0:
- Update to LibStub r4
- Update to LibCustomMenu r4
- Stats have 2 decimals, now.
- ESO 2.1 (update 7) ready: They changed the time between getting fish and cooldown.

version 1.0.1
- Additional checks for unexpected inventory slot update events
- code cleanup, because the source of "insecure code" warnings is known, now.
- Do not show option in trade window.

version 1.0.0
- Support for "Perfect Roe"
- Show stats of "Perfect Roe" in item tooltip of fishes

version 0.9.0
- Support for non-stand...

Fillets all fishes of a stack.
Supresses all messages, except the last. (Obsolete: There is no message anymore)
The process will be aborted, if you close the inventory, e.g. by pressing ESC or start moving.

About "Perfect Roe" stat:
To see any stats, you need to fillet a fish with this addon first. The fishes and perfect roe get counted. If you bypass this addon, by simply "Use" a fish, the stat do not get updated.

Filetiert alle Fische von einem Stack.
Unterdrckt alle Meldungen bis auf die Letzte. (Hat sich erledigt: Es gibt keine Meldung mehr)
Der Prozess wird unterbrochen, wenn das Inventar geschlossen wird. Zum Beispiel durch ESC oder durch bewegen.

Zur "Perfekter Rogen" Statistik:
Um die Statistik zu sehen, muss ein Fisch mit diesem Addon filetiert werden. Die Fische und der Rogen werden gezhlt. Wenn dieses Addon durch einfaches "Benutzen" umgangen wird, wird die Statistik nicht aktualisiert.

The task is more tricky as it seems at the first moment: 5% of the code doing "fillet a fish" and 95% handling things that could fail. :/

Unknown issues:

"Use item" itself requires a free slot, even if the resulting fish would stack. If you start with one free slot and don't have a fish fillet already, the process stops after one fish with "Inventory is full".
Versions prior to 0.9.0 did not work with non-standard launcher like "Sorien's ESO Launcher". Thanks to
Valadez and ColonelCorn for helping me to find and fix it.

To Do
- None

Votan's Lore Library Search (1.0.7)

Change Log:
version 1.0.7:
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.0.6:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.0.5:
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.
- API bump Morrowind

version 1.0.4:
- ESO 2.6 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.0.3:
- ESO 2.5 'Shadows of the Hist'.
- ESO 2.6 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.0.2:
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support

version 1.0.1:
- ESO 2.3 (Thieves Guild)
* Still working in ESO 2.2 (Orsinium) as "out-dated", which is in fact "pre-dated" or use Fast API.

version 1.0.0:
initial version

Adds a full-text-search button to Lore Library, to search in title and content of known books. Optional highlights the text found in the book.
Currently it is a "all words" search.
The books are sorted by category.
The search is case-insensitive, if all entered letters are lowercase.

If you feel dissatisfied with the second main menu entry for "Addons", take a look at Harven's AS to LAM adapter.

Fgt der Bibliothek ein Full-Text-Suche Button hinzu, um im Titel und Inhalt von bekannten Bchern zu suchen. Optional wird der gefundene Text im Buch markiert.
Zurzeit ist es eine "Alle Worte" Suche.
Die Bcher sind nach der Kategorie geordnet.
Die Suche beachtet die Gro-/Kleinschreibung nicht, wenn alle eingegebenen Buchstaben klein geschrieben sind.

Wenn Du nicht mit dem zweiten Hauptmeneintrag fr "Erweiterungen" leben kannst, schau Dir mal Harven's AS to LAM adapter an.

To Do
- None

Votan's Settings Menu (1.3.2)

Change Log:
version 1.3.2:
- Fixed restoring last used addon, if addon settings were opened manually.
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.3.1:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.3.0:
- The Lua memory limit warning is no longer in use with launch of Morrowind => The current usage will be shown, only.

version 1.2.9:
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.

version 1.2.8:
- Fixed isue with LAM2 rev23: Last page not shown.

version 1.2.7:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.

version 1.2.6:
- API 100017 'One Tamriel' ready.

version 1.2.5:
- API bump 100016: ESO 2.5 (Shadow of the Hist) ready.
- Make use of Is64BitClient if available

version 1.2.4:
- Fixed bug when using the shortcut the first time for a new character. Reported by @QuadroTony.

version 1.2.3:
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support
- Show client CPU architecture

version 1.2.2:
- Just API update to 100014

version 1.2.1:
- Just API update to 100013

version 1.2.0:
- Orsinium ready: Updated LibMainMenu-2.0
- Open last used addon, even if opening game menu without key-bind.

version 1.1.1:
- Temporary fix for LAM2 for refreshing selected settings page on opening. Including associated slash-commands.

version 1.1.0:
- Updated APIVersion to 100012

version 1.0.2:
- Update to LibStub r4

version 1.0.1
- Dynamic refresh of Lua memory usage (1s)

version 1.0.0
- initial

This add-on is for the add-ons themself.
It introduces the following to toggle directly to the add-on settings menu of LAM2:

main menu button
slash-command (/addonsettings)

It remembers and opens the last used add-on settings page even after /reloadui or relog, if using the button or key-bind.
Assuming you want to change the settings of the add-on, opened last time, anyway and do not need to seek it again.
Inspired by the main menu button of FCO ItemSaver from Beartram. This is a generic version of it.

On the settings page of this add-on itself you can:

Turn on/off the main menu button
See the current Lua memory usage. The warning-symbol is shown at 4x start usage.
See the versions of libraries coming along with the add-ons you currently use. May a useful additional information, if you report bugs due to add-on conflicts.
show client CPU architecture (x32 or x64)

To Do
- none

Votan's Mini Map (1.2.1)

Change Log:
version 1.2.1:
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.2.0:
- Update for "Horns of the Reach".
- Layer mini map under bounty meter.
- Zoom key-bindings at siege.

version 1.1.9:
- Fixed a typo for settings tooltip.
- New option for title at the bottom bar.

version 1.1.8:
- LibAsync 1.4: Boost mode for menu scenes. The boost mode shifts the priority from framerate to Lua speed.
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.

version 1.1.7:
- Fixed Show Siege settings.

version 1.1.6:
- Fixed Mounted Zoom factor settings.

version 1.1.5:
- Zoom factors and show states are per character, now. But taking over former account-wide settings. I did not expect that to be so important. Sorry.
* If the character was not loaded before already.
- Update to LibASync 1.3.

version 1.1.4:
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.
- Zoom factors and show states are per character, now.

version 1.1.3:
- update to LibAsync 1.2: Low framerate mode, fix bug in Delay.
- Fix potential issue with detecting LibGPS.
- New option to show/hide compass, if mini map is shown on HUD.

version 1.1.2:
- LibAsync rev 1.1: New target framerate 75.
- Back to render method of v1.1.0 with new LibAsync.
- Fixed missing map update for Cyrodiil specific pins.
- Added debug option to show frame freeze warning.

version 1.1.1:
- Deleted unused files.
- Reverted rendering tweaks, which could make the addon "heavier".

version 1.1.0:
- Better support for LibGPS.
- Limited gamepad support. Thanks to @Shinni.
* Limitation: Positioning and resizing can be done in keyboard mode only.
- New option to suppress Zone change annoucement in upper right corner.
- Use LibAsync for asynchronous programming.
- New option: time format.

version 1.0.10:
- Added optional dependency to TrueExploration for compatibility.
- Fixed another small issue with "Show on Map".

version 1.0.9:
- New option to choose either or not to zoom to player....

This addon reactivates the mini map from ZOS. Thus the mini map does not do less, but also not more than the built-in world map, because it is the built-in world map.

No artificial synchronization of (custom) pins between mini map and world map. All kind of pins are supported by design.
But also no border pins or rotation mode and such features. My mini map is intended to be lightweight and fast.

Includes world map performance tweaks, which can be disabled for performance comparison.
The tweaks changing the pin rendering to utilize the CPU up to a framerate of 75 only. Seeing the pins rendered over time is not a sign of overload of this addon, but a compensation of others.
Conflicts with other mini maps can be expected. :) Therefore the mini map can be disabled to use the tweaks only.
I do not recommend to use the AUI mini map module at the same time as mine.
Gamepad support, but limited due to lines in ZOS source code, they call a "total hack" themself:
Positioning and resizing in keyboard mode only.
The window is resizable via mouse. (this code is written by ZOS, not me)

Out-dated: If you think you need a full-featured mini map try the MiniMap by Fyrakin.

@Shinni did a great job creating a plug-in for a Circular Votan's Mini Map.
And if you want to show group pins in different colors and/or icons, such as showing a different color for dead players, you may want to use Votan's Group Pins.

Providing a mini map can be an unthankful job. I guess Fyrakin could sing a song or two. Therefore I can't resist to say:
The addon works well for me. Otherwise I would not have released it. I...

Votan's Group Pins (1.0.3)

Change Log:
version 1.0.3:
- API bump for Clockwork City.
- Localization.

version 1.0.2:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.0.1:
- Allow to change color of player pin.
* A new texture for player pin: Do not install while ESO is running.
- Removed unused code.

version 1.0.0:
- initial

Shows group pins in different colors and/or icons.

There are four modi for the icons:

Simple (ZOS default)
AvA/PvP Rank

There are two modi for the color:

Simple: One color for the leader and one color for all members
Health: Healthy: 75-100%, Trouble 50-75%, Wounded <50% and Dead (0%)

It also works with my mini map. I don't know, if the other mini maps would update the pins fast enough.

If you feel dissatisfied with the second main menu entry for "Addons", take a look at Harven's AS to LAM adapter.

Zeigt die Gruppenmarker in anderen Farben und/oder Symbolen.

Es gibt vier Modi fr die Symbole:

Einfach (ZOS Standard)
AvA/PvP Rang

Es gibt zwei Modi fr die Farbe:

Einfach: Eine Farbe f den Anfhrer und eine Farbe fr alle Mitglieder
Gesundheit: Gesund: 75-100%, Schwierigkeiten 50-75%, Verletzt <50% and Tot (0%)

Es funktioniert auch mit meiner Mini Map. Ich wweis nicht, ob die anderen Mini Maps die Marker schnell genug aktualisieren wrden.

Wenn Du nicht mit dem zweiten Hauptmeneintrag fr "Erweiterungen" leben kannst, schau Dir mal Harven's AS to LAM adapter an.

Votan's Improved Quests (1.0.8)

Change Log:
version 1.0.8:
- API bump for Clockwork City.
- Update to LAM rev. 25.

version 1.0.7:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.0.6:
- API bump for Morrowind.
- Correction in French localization by @lexo1000.

version 1.0.5:
- Fixed an issue that not all quests were shown, if they are not in the first category (current map).
- New options: "Show Quests on World Map" and "Always Show On Map".
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.

version 1.0.4:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.

version 1.0.3:
- Russian translation. Thanks to @Scope.

version 1.0.2:
- Gamepad support.

version 1.0.1:
- Fixed "no quests" label not disappearing.

version 1.0.0:
- initial

This addon improves the "Quests" tab of the World Map window:

The list is not (re-)build until you open the map. If you travel around without opening the map, no UI action is done in the background.
The quests are categorized into: Current map, crafting quests, guild quests, quests in other zones, others. In this order.
Quests will move to the first category, if valid for the current shown map.

Votan's Improved Locations (1.8.4)

Change Log:
version 1.8.4:
- API bump for Clockwork City.
- Update to LAM rev 25.

version 1.8.3:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.8.2:
- Update to french localization. Thanks to @lexo1000.

version 1.8.1:
- Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.
- Added nil checks, just to be sure, for reported error.

version 1.8.0:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.
- Gamepad support. (Not fully tested, due to lack of controller)

version 1.7.1:
- Fixed issue with Recent List.
- Found renamed World image.

version 1.7.0:
- API 100017: ESO 2.6 'One Tamriel' ready.
- Update to LAM2 rev 22.

version 1.6.0:
- ESO 2.5 "Shadows of the Hist" ready.
- Removed API 100014 code.
- Code cleanup: Use original hook points to allow other addons to hook into map selection.
- Update to LibStub rev 4.
- Update to LAM2 r20.2.

version v1.5.0:
- Update to LAM2 r20
- ESO 2.4 (Dark Brotherhood) support

version 1.4.3:
- Fixed error-by-copy, which prevents Wrothgar from been added to recent list. ups ;)

version 1.4.2:
- ESO 2.3 (Thieves Guild)
* Still working in ESO 2.2 (Orsinium) as "out-dated", which is in fact "pre-dated" or use Fast API.
- Update to LAM2 r19

version 1.4.1:
- ESO 2.2 (Orsinium)
- removed old 100012 code

version 1.4.0:
- ESO 2.2 (Orsinium) ready: Wrothgar

version 1.3.1:
- Updated APIVersion to 100012

version 1.3.0:
- New option: Allow to show "All Alliances" category on top. Default: Off
- ESO 2.1 (Update 7) ready

version 1.2.1
- Fixed copy&paste error in manifest file: LibStub and LAM2 were not loaded without other addons.
- update to LibStub r3 and LAM2 r18

version 1.2.0
- Added settings panel (LAM2)
* The default settings are as close as possible to the original. Check out the settings.
- Hook UI after settings are ready

version 1.1.0
- Let recent list grow (from 1 to 5, instead of placeholders). Requested by XanDDemoX
- Show zone levels. Requested by QuadroTony. Thanks to Enodoc for help...

On one hand, the "Locations" tab of the world-map does what it needs to do and all locations fit on screen without scrollbar.
On the other hand, it looks very bare and squeezed. Pseudo locations like "Tamriel" and "Aurbis" are mixed together with locations of all alliances, just in alphabetic order.

This add-on improves the "Locations" tab of the world-map window.

It adds a Most-Recent-Used list (MRU) to the top. Your currently last visited locations are the top five. (Similar to "Faster Travel", because it is an obvious useful feature :))
The locations are grouped by alliance and your character's alliance will be the first, then Cadwell Silver, Gold.
Since 1.2.0 you can enable showing zone level.
Since 1.3.0 you can enable showing "All Alliances" zones on top (below recent list).
Since 1.8.0 gamepad mode support.

To Do
- none

Votan's Adaptive (Video-)Settings (1.3.4)

Change Log:
version 1.3.4:
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.3.3:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.3.2:
- API bump for Morrowind.

version 1.3.1:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.
- New option to allow to keep particle distance untouched.

version 1.3.0:
- API 100017 'One Tamriel' ready.
- Moved "Advanced Settings" to new addon.
- Minimum and Maximum View Distance can be configured.
- View Distance is reset to the average between minimum and maximum on travel and using doors. (Cyrodiil gates are not doors)
- Adjusted relation between "View Distance" and "Particle Distance".
- Changed default settings to "high-end".

version 1.2.6:
- Reworked performance meter re-arrangement. (pure aesthetic)

version 1.2.5:
- Due to reproducable frame drops after 5sec occuring at some wayshrines, I increased loading burst suspend delay to 10s. Can be configured now.
- Slower increasing of view distance to prevent falling from one frame drop to the next in locations like Orsinium.
- ESO 2.5 (Shadow of the Hist) ready

version 1.2.4:
- ESO 2.4 API 100015

version 1.2.3:
- ESO 2.3 API 100014

version 1.2.2:
- Fixed minor bug in settings: Upon showing the settings, the sliders did not change their max value, if different from default.
- For Advanced: Increased maximum of "Maximum Framerate" slider to 1000fps, to disable limiting by game.
* Limit your framerate via v-sync or driver settings, e.g. nvidia control panel, to prevend overheating!

version 1.2.1:
- Enable/Disable auto view distance without reloading UI, including key-binding.
- Configurable "Framedrop Weight" of algorithm.

version 1.2.0:
- Added 4 sec delay after player activation to overcome CPU load burst at startup
- Adjustment should react faster to sudden framedrops
* For real massive framedrops, the framerate will fall below threshold
- New option and key-bind to disable showing distance in frame meter

version 1.1.0:
- Made timer faster, so that the adjustment is...

This add-on adjusts the view- and particle distance to the current graphic load and context (normal, combat, UI hidden) to stabilize the framerate. If the view distance drops and drops, additional effects get disabled:
Distorsion, god rays and antialiasing. In this order.

And if the framerate raises again, e.g. because you left the crowded city, the view distance increases again. This way you can choose between quality and performance: Smooth fps in combat and best graphics otherwise.

Since 1.3.0: If you travel or use a door, the view distance is set back to the average between minimum and maximum. This is because:

You may leave a low GPU load zone and enter a heavy GPU load zone and do not hit a GPU burst wall.
You may leave a heavy GPU load zone and enter a low GPU load zone and would see the "nothing" where the opposite wall should be.

This add-on works with Shissu's PvP/Game Booster. The difference is:

Shissu's PvP/Game Booster is more effective, but also regonizable and active during combat/on demand only.
This add-on is less effective than Shissu's PvP/Game Booster, but more subtile and operates all the time.

If you want to see the add-on's activities, enable framerate performance indicator (/fps)

A "Thank You" to @dorrino and @Cabum for their feedback. :cool:


Be fair to the system: If you use (adaptive) v-sync, like I do, keep the minimum framerate a few frames below limit (<60).
Otherwise the add-on can not detect under-load.
As higher your target framerate, as slower the view distance will increase again.

If you feel dissatisfied with the second main menu entry for "Addons", take a look at [URL="http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info937...

Votan's Advanced Settings (1.0.7)

Change Log:
version 1.0.7:
- API bump for Clockwork City.

version 1.0.6:
- API bump for Horns of the Reach.

version 1.0.5: Small corrections in french translation. Thanks again to @lexo1000.

version 1.0.4: Localization. Thanks to @lexo1000 for french translation.

version 1.0.3:
- ESO 2.7 'Homestead' ready.

version 1.0.2:
- Fix false rounding in Frame Limiter slider.

version 1.0.1:
- Disable Player Stand-Ins slider, if Stand-Ins are disabled.
- Added "Max Anisotropy = Off" and do a range check.

version 1.0.0:

Allows to change additional client configuration settings (UserSettings.txt) not handled by build-in UI.


If you feel dissatisfied with the second main menu entry for "Addons", take a look at Harven's AS to LAM adapter.
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